Confident, stylish fashion for all women. That was my vision. Even as a young girl, stylish fashion was very important to me, which is probably why I spent every penny I had to work so hard to earn on cool outfits.
During my 8 years working as a tour guide and traveling to all sorts of countries, I learned that fashion is very diverse and is lived differently in every country.

When I became pregnant for the first time in 2005, I turned my passion into my career.

Initially, however, I started with children's clothing because I wanted my boys to be stylishly dressed. When I returned to Germany in 2013, shaken by the crisis, I knew one thing: there is only one way to start over: fashion.

This was followed by many more years of hard work in my husband's boutique.
Many of you probably still know me from that time. When my husband's company, like many other small companies in Germany, was literally overwhelmed by Corona, the idea of ​​an online shop was born out of necessity. At first, the fashion was presented by influencers, but relatively quickly, I thought to myself: I can do that too!

Our customers loved seeing me in front of the camera and I was fulfilled in my vision of presenting stylish fashion to other women my age.

But as life goes, when you think you have achieved everything, life presents you with new challenges.

In 2023, my husband and I parted ways, and with it our business paths.

I am aware that I have a hard, rocky road ahead of me.
But we power women can do anything...

If you would like to accompany me on my journey, then sign up for my newsletter here .

Your Gaby